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Category: Gravity Forms

Gravity Forms merge tags as Default Value for form fields

If you’re new to Gravity Forms merge tags you may think, what the hell is a merge tag? Well they’re placeholders that are replaced dynamically by the value associated to them when used in some places like notifications or confirmations content and the default value setting for fields that supports it.

By default Gravity Forms provides a bunch of useful merge tags to insert values like the first name or the email of the currently logged user, the IP of the user, the title or ID of the page from where the user is submitting the form, or even the value of a custom post meta, and many other interesting data, I would recommend you to take a look to the Gravity Forms merge tags doc page to check them all.

I’m going to show you some real use case examples of how you can use the merge tags based on commonly asked questions that we see in support.

Charla “Introducción a Gravity Forms”

El pasado 25 de enero di una pequeña charla de introducción al uso de Gravity Forms en la Meetup WordPress Zaragoza. Que todo sea dicho de paso me olvidé de anunciar aquí…

A continuación os dejo el enlace a la presentación, si bien en esta ocasión la charla era más práctica que teórica, así que la presentación es más bien un guión de lo que fui desarrollando en la charla.

ERROR for site owner: Stoken disabled in reCAPTCHA field for Gravity Forms

reCAPTCHA Stoken Expired error
reCAPTCHA Stoken Expired error

Since Gravity Forms 2.0 the new “no captcha” reCAPTCHA  API is included in Gravity Forms. This was a highly requested feature and works pretty fine for most users, but sometimes specially if you’re using old reCAPTCHA keys or the reCAPTCHA authentication in Gravity Forms settings was done using previous API version you can get one of the following pretty cryptic message in your reCAPTCHA field:

ERROR for site owner: Stoken disabled or Error for site owner: Stoken expired

Turn off Rocket Loader for Gravity Forms scripts

If you’re using CloudFlare to speed up your site and you’re having issues with Gravity Forms features relaying on javascript such as conditional logic, calculations or multi-file upload you have a lot of chances of having Rocket Loader feature enabled in your CloudFlare account.

According to CloudFlare, Rocket Loader can improve load times for pages that include JavaScript. But Rocket Loader is considered Beta because it’s an experimental feature that modifies the loading and execution flow of Javascript. In fact it’s in beta since years.